Very Helpful Video…Though It Doesn’t Seem So At First

I didn’t take this seriously at first..well at the part with the hot dog bun I started to just laugh it off but watching all the examples throughout I realized much of it did make sense. Though I wonder if the hot dog bun part was just for comic value.

Much of the content many RA survivors will be familiar with intuitively from within or from birth and a lot of it explains away much of the seemingly nonsensical actions perpetrated by the gang stalkers.


Why anyone would want to spend their lifetimes being so ritually obsessed I can’t understand. Its sort of sad actually.

~ by onmc on June 24, 2014.

Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.


Raising awareness of theories concerning mind control aka thought control/ brain washing of individuals, groups and the masses. Mass 'mind control' as well as programming of individuals is covered. Theories cover basic methods such as technological, chemical and psychological.


Raising awareness of theories concerning mind control aka thought control/ brain washing of individuals, groups and the masses. Mass 'mind control' as well as programming of individuals is covered. Theories cover basic methods such as technological, chemical and psychological.

The Dirtiest Secret Behind Child Abuse

Raising awareness of theories concerning mind control aka thought control/ brain washing of individuals, groups and the masses. Mass 'mind control' as well as programming of individuals is covered. Theories cover basic methods such as technological, chemical and psychological.