ANON (2018)

•October 9, 2023 • Comments Off on ANON (2018)

MAY BE TRIGGERING to Survivors or SRA or internal programming. 

Movie titled ANON from 2018.

Unfortunately it’s not on Plex only Netflix but this link has a trailer and where you can stream. The Internet has become scrubbed clean of sites providing any free content as opposed to just a few years ago. 

The movie turns out to be sort of old film Noir style with a futuristic technology overlay if you will. Just as I’ve discovered about AI generated content, it’s not intimidating at all. It’s fabricated. I understand now that AI can never be scary because it’s limits are defined by the humans who feed it information. I will post on that as well.

When you watch this, if you are fairly ‘deprogrammed’ you should be able to resist. It’s actually a good test for anyone who made it out of the maze initially through suicide programming (usually early 30s, I’m assuming this is true for people deemed ‘expendables’) then discovered a mega brain type of intelligence that was masked by programming and has become self programming. Then files are ghosted by unknown methods. Internally one is going through all this as one becomes targeted in the external reality. Any attempts at trying to seek help through psychology or therapists, the targeted deprogramming individuals will be intercepted. It’s no longer the 80s when the was discovered leading to the disinfo campaign covering it all up by designating every claim part of a panic or the worst yet: recovered memory syndrome-all led by known pervs and people connected to rogue elements of intelligence as well as bought and sold academia. 

If you’ve made it that far, after the ‘Pinocchio becomes a real boy’ period or phase of growth, the natural aging process humanizes Survivors of programming and slowly melts the internal programming structures that seemed so real like inescapable video games we existed in internally. Their memory seems like a far off dream of another life. 

However, depending on what the Survivor’s function was occasionally certain things may be trigger reactions from former programming. Schematics, bits of info like certain maps, lists designed a certain way etc. 

Starting this movie the content o is tempting to take in on that level-until you realize that yet again, nothing fabricated for mass consumption specifically nowadays where content appears fulfilling and nourishing, compelling and imaginative but it’s just empty. Its empty calories. Today’s entertainment has endless numerous choices but notice how everything turns out to be less than it could be, than it should be, than you’re led to believe it’s going to be. It never really satisfies it just keeps us watching more. I notice this when I eat foods especially grains from other countries. American cookies for instance leave me hungry for more food. I don’t get this from cookies made in certain European countries. 

You realize it’s simply a put on. That it is as I said a tried and true Hollywood format with an overlay of something titillating that seems modern even intelligent but it’s not so. 

It’s so obviously a calculated formula to well-sell a movie and it’s insultingly simple. 

The movie itself is pleasant enough though it becomes a bit messy towards the end as the guy who’s the actual murderer is a confusing one dimensional character who’s presented hurriedly and the story becomes confusing then his motives seem reduced to simple age old male psychopathic behavior. Being obsessed with a woman and stalking her so they can finally be together. It also smacks of modern day tolerance for cheap lowbrow content by including sex scenes and obscenities when the novelty and shock value wore off decades ago and the value of such things would only show if the movie was artful, gritty or meant for more than todays average viewer. Fast forward through the sex scenes-theres nothing worse than actors doing sex scenes as they are usually not attractive enough to be tolerable. 

The music is simple and predictable yet it works. The dark atmosphere and low lighting is appreciated as movies like the Underworld series and even old Bergman films where our nervous systems are given a much needed break. Bergman films are akin to genuine opiates. Movies like this today are akin to cheap imitation synthetics or worse. 

The sentiment that some people will desire and seek anonymity in such a proposed future society is the best part of this film aside from the obvious visual tricks that attract Survivors to such movies. 

Once you calculate that people’s reactions in such a future world would not be as they are in the movie or that covert security in such a world would never allow such a plot to occur…or that even in the future society would still have assassins, spies or humans that would need to remain undetectable to run a civilization.

From the perspective of being targeted the first thing you consider is that if this is in a movie then how long has actual tech capabilities similar to this been available to intelligence, spies, private sector or military? We’ve all heard about TIs being on say train systems of public transportation when you feel a simple profiling is going on most likely based on the way you’re dressed, age, look and any other demographic identifying factors. In other words-modern day ‘first impressions’ run down by the psuedo sophisticated educated modern worker bee common people in big cities, containing mostly judgement formed by dumbed down, indoctrinated mob rules, globalist consumerists who suffer from a lifetime of snobbery without any taste or class. The modern day city dweller is an insect, as people seem smaller, weaker, lacking colorful expression unless it can be provided by consumerism or controlled opposition psuedo political movements-complete with stack em & pack em condos that resemble insect hives. 

Then an observant Target will sense and observe a change: there seems to be facial recognition going on perhaps. Then certain specific individuals on that train who had previously seemingly underestimated the person they had been sizing up and approaching in a laughingly ineffective way, seem to change. As if they have seen something or gotten new information that changes their perception. They have surprise, that and a bit of awe and perhaps a bit of respect but only as the young and naive would. Begrudging respect would come from their superiors. 

The best and only moves to make when not evasive ones to survive are to stand one’s position and move forward when possible. There is no other choices in these circumstances.

In a way you are taken out of the internal programming world into a manufactured world of a never ending cat and mouse game which is most likely the system’s way of keeping Survivors contained. They won’t kill you. Either they aren’t allowed or more practically-life long human experimentees don’t come cheap. The projects that ‘the gang stalking system’ hides and supports are very illegal. The timelines altered by influence and manipulation of our world are maintained daily by this same system. 

So essentially TIs have been noticing probable spooks on trains that seem to have a similar technology to the one in this movie to assess surroundings and identity people and things within them. It’s questionable if such capacity is yet neural as a medium or if they have to consult their cell phone in our still archaic backwards reality of today. 

So that makes this movie interesting on that front. 

As a Survivor first your triggered then curious about all the information stimuli on the screen then you ascertain jts mostly superficial useless information meant for the film.

Which makes you glad for being able to see clearly and then you consider the baby spooks in public who are among us blending in with the students, just as law enforcement used to warn my mother that serial killers in past decades would also do. In the 70s she was warned that dangerous killers blend in with the students. Nowadays it seems that there’s a system to prevent such dangers, that knows who everyone is. Thus any act of terrorism would seem quite impossible with such prevention in place….unless powers wanted such things to occur, perhaps to fulfill a global agenda. 

It’s an enjoyable movie once one gets past issues unique to Survivors and the TI community. Even a little challenging and it can be validating as well. 


This Blog Will Continue Soon

•March 29, 2022 • Comments Off on This Blog Will Continue Soon

This blog has been on hold due to WordPress changing their format. They’ve been acquired by a parent company who has since scaled down, given up all of their physical locations and now cannot be reached for any kind of customer service by mail email or phone. It seems WordPress has decided to become greedy and basically hold people’s blogs hostage by extorting them to pay for a premium account so that they can get access to Classic Editor. With help I’m using a free version of the classic editor ‘block’ which is almost impossible to use on mobile. The moderators on the threads have offered other blogs returned to Classic Editor because they can be grandfathered in if the blog was started before a certain year. I have requested that and I havent been able to receive that same courtesy.
I may take blog and export it over to another site.

Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.


Raising awareness of theories concerning mind control aka thought control/ brain washing of individuals, groups and the masses. Mass 'mind control' as well as programming of individuals is covered. Theories cover basic methods such as technological, chemical and psychological.


Raising awareness of theories concerning mind control aka thought control/ brain washing of individuals, groups and the masses. Mass 'mind control' as well as programming of individuals is covered. Theories cover basic methods such as technological, chemical and psychological.

The Dirtiest Secret Behind Child Abuse

Raising awareness of theories concerning mind control aka thought control/ brain washing of individuals, groups and the masses. Mass 'mind control' as well as programming of individuals is covered. Theories cover basic methods such as technological, chemical and psychological.